5 Tips for optimizing webinar content for mobile viewers

Discover the best practices for optimizing your webinar content for mobile viewers. Learn how to adapt your slides, design mobile-friendly presentations, and engage your audience effectively on small screens.

According to the latest data, over 60% of website traffic comes from mobile devices, and 92.3% of internet users access the internet using a mobile phone (Big Data). It is no surprise, then, that website content and other online materials should be optimized for mobile usage. This principle certainly applies to webinar content.

How can you adapt webinar content for mobile viewing? What are the effective mobile-friendly presentation techniques? Read our blog post, where we will answer these questions and explore many more insights.

When picturing someone attending a webinar, you might imagine a person seated at their desk, attentively facing their computer or laptop, in a quiet environment. However, the reality might be much different – studies indicate that about 25% of attendees are likely tuning in from a mobile device.

Attendees could be in various places: perhaps in a park, a car, a train, or countless other locations where traditional computers and desktops aren't an option. Yet, these attendees also deserve a satisfying content experience. They should end the webinar with a smile, feeling deeply fulfilled and thinking to themselves, "Yeah, man! That was great!"

Thus, webinar organizers must strive to achieve such positive responses. One key strategy is adapting webinar content for mobile screens.

Follow our tips, and you'll be on your way to creating mobile-friendly webinars that impress and delight your audience.

Adapting webinar content for mobile screens – 5 essential tips to follow

From adapting visuals to enhancing delivery, here are five tips for ensuring your webinar engages and resonates with mobile audiences.

#1. Design simple slides

When it comes to mobile-optimized webinar content, less is more. Detailed and text-heavy slides that are perfectly legible on a desktop might become an illegible mess on a mobile screen. What to do then?

Webinar slide design tips for mobile

Reduce the amount of text on each slide:

  • Use large, bold fonts to improve readability – a minimum font size of 30 points.
  • Stick to sans-serif fonts that are generally more legible on screens such as Arial or Helvetica.
  • Use bullet points and aim for no more than six lines of text per slide.
  • Stick to one key idea per slide to prevent overloading your audience with information.
  • Keep a consistent layout throughout your presentation so that viewers know where to expect text and images.
  • Ensure all calls to action (CTAs) are clear and easy to follow. If they need to tap on a link or a button, make sure it is easily clickable on the touchscreen.

Remember, on mobile devices, your slides will be competing with a host of distractions, so keep your message clear and concise. Engaging mobile webinar audiences starts with clear and impactful slides.

#2. Use mobile-friendly presentation techniques

Adjusting your approach to presenting can also enhance mobile viewership.

  • To make the most of mobile-friendly webinar presentation techniques, it's useful to rehearse with a mobile device.
  • Use high-contrast text and background colors (e.g., dark text on a light background) to make reading easier.
  • Use simple, bold graphics that convey your message without distracting viewers from the speaker.

#3. Optimize webinar visuals for mobile viewing

Remember that users on mobile devices are likely to be viewing your webinar content in a vertical format.

Optimizing webinar visuals for mobile viewing entails being mindful of how images and videos will appear in both landscape and portrait orientations.

Ensure that all animations or video clips are legible and are not negatively impacted by the shift in aspect ratios.

With many webinar platforms allowing screen sharing from mobile devices, keep mobile viewing in mind when designing visuals or sharing your screen.

#4 Choose the best webinar software

The technical aspect of webinar content delivery should not be overlooked.

One best practice for mobile webinar content delivery is ensuring that your webinar platform is compatible with various mobile operating systems and browsers. Such a platform is LiveWebinar.

Best practices for mobile webinar content delivery

  • Make sure load time is quick. Avoid complex animations that can increase load times and frustrate mobile users.
  • Make sure registration and login is straightforward and quick on mobile devices.
  • Send out reminders with links that are mobile-friendly, making it as easy as possible for your audience to access your webinar.

#5. Engage your audience with optimized content

Lastly, keeping your mobile audience engaged means delivering content tailored specifically for them. Since mobile viewers might tune in from a variety of environments, it's crucial to captivate them from the start.

  • Use storytelling techniques and compelling visuals to keep their attention.
  • Break your presentation into shorter segments to maintain interest.
  • Prompt interaction by inviting questions or comments through the webinar chat functionality, which is typically well-optimized for mobile!

Looking for a versatile, mobile-optimized, yet easy to use webinar platform? Check out LiveWebinar! With a bunch of useful features and reliable, high-quality streaming, this could be the best choice. This platform is web-based, with easy sign up and no need to download any apps. Sign up for free and see how easy and profitable your webinaring may be! 

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