How far In advance should you promote a webinar?

Discover the perfect timing to promote your webinar to maximize attendance. Learn the best steps to ensure success.

Imagine this: You’ve crafted the perfect webinar – killer content, a great speaker lineup, and a polished presentation. You’re excited and confident. But, after all your hard work, only a handful of people show up. Frustrating, right?

This is what happens when promotion falls flat. The truth is, when you promote your webinar can be as important as how you promote it. But how far in advance should you really start? The answer, like most things in marketing, depends.

In this blogpost we’ll answer all your questions and concerns.

When to start the webinar promotion?

As a webinar organizer, you may be puzzled by several questions and considerations. Is promoting a webinar two weeks ahead enough? Or should we start the promotion earlier, e.g. four weeks before the event? Can we promote it just a week before the chosen date and still achieve some success? Would it be worth it at all? Does late promotion always become a marketing disaster?

As we said, there is no single, definite answer to all of these questions, as all the situations are different depending on many factors. But surely there are some predominant rules that can be observed. Read on and get to know them!

Numbers say it best!

First, let’s analyze the statistics, before we draw some important conclusions.

- 54.7% of webinar registrations happen less than 7 days before the event. (Contrast 2024) What does it mean? The last week before the event should be the busiest time packed with promotional activities. However, marketing actions should start before this period.

- Promoting your webinar at least 4 weeks ahead can boost registrations by an average of 12%. This early promotion window helps build awareness and allows more time for people to sign up (ON24). 

- 17% sign ups happen on the event day. What does this mean? This demonstrates that webinars can effectively engage audiences interested in your topic, even if they weren't aware of the event ahead of time. While many attendees do sign up in advance, there's still a great chance to attract last-minute participants. 

If you want to know more statistics, read our other blog post here.

To maximize registrations, marketers should consistently promote the event, including sending reminders and personalized messages as the webinar date approaches.

What factors should you consider when planning webinar promotion?

There are several key factors that can influence the way you should promote your event. While planning your promotion, ask yourself a couple of questions:

#1 Who is your target audience?

If your audience consists of busy professionals, you might need to start promotions earlier (4 weeks in advance) to give them time to fit it into their schedules. However, a younger audience or casual participants may need shorter notice (2 weeks).

#2 What is the event type?

A casual, educational webinar might only need a 2-3 week lead time, while a high-profile webinar with celebrity speakers or influencers may require even 4 weeks to generate buzz and give attendees time to plan. For instance, if you’re hosting an industry expert or renowned speaker, promoting early helps build anticipation.

#3 How complex is the topic?

Complex or niche topics may require longer promotion periods, as attendees need time to understand the value. Simpler or popular topics can be promoted in a shorter time frame.

#4 How big is the event?

A more in-depth, multi-session webinar series or conferences might benefit from longer promotional periods, while shorter, one-hour webinars may only need a few weeks of promotion.

#5 Is the event seasonal?

If other similar events (e.g. Black Friday promotions) are happening around the same time, starting promotions earlier can help secure attendees before they commit to competing webinars.

Now, it's time for the timeline

What promotional actions should be taken and when to take them to achieve the best results? Let's build a simple timeline with clear steps to follow.

2-4 weeks out: initial announcement

About a month before your event, you want to get the word out. Think of this as planting the seed. This is when you want to build awareness and get those early registrants. But it’s also when people are most likely to delay action. They might be interested, but they need time to decide if they’ll attend.

What to do? 

Create excitement early. Send out that first email blast and make it visual. You can share a teaser video of your speaker or a behind-the-scenes look at what’s coming.

Tell a story. For example, let’s say you’re hosting a marketing webinar. In your first post, share a quick story about a business that doubled its ROI after implementing the strategies you’ll discuss. You’re not just selling the webinar; you’re showing people what’s possible.

An example: Imagine you’re hosting a webinar on “How to Scale Your Small Business in 2024.” In this first wave, you might highlight a successful case study in your email: How a small bakery went from local to national success using just a few of the techniques you’ll cover. That gets the wheels turning for potential attendees.

Create a registration form

Make it simple and capture the essential details. Some webinar platforms, e.g. LiveWebinar, offer customizable registration form editors in-built in the platform. 

Send the first email

Include all the important information – topic, date, time, and speakers. Read more about e-mails here

Post on social media

Use eye-catching visuals and a clear call to action (e.g., “Save your spot now!”). By giving people enough notice, you're ensuring they have time to make room in their schedules for your event.

1-2 weeks out: build anticipation

One to two weeks before the webinar is the time to ramp up promotion. Now you’ve got your early sign-ups, but you want to keep up the momentum. This is where FOMO (fear of missing out) comes in handy. People need to know why attending your webinar matters right now.

What to do? 

Send out a reminder email. Include some exciting details or speaker highlights that weren’t in the first email. Engage in social media. Post more specific content, like key questions that will be answered or a sneak peek of exclusive tips.

For example, maybe you’re hosting a fitness webinar. At this stage, you can share a sneak peek of your top trainer revealing their #1 secret for building muscle. Get people excited about what they’ll learn by attending.

Send reminder emails

Highlight the benefits of attending. You can also tease exclusive content.

Social media posts

Share speaker highlights or sneak peeks of the webinar content. Read more about promoting webinars in social media here

Create a blog post

Write about the key takeaways or main discussion points of your webinar, and include the registration link.

3-5 days before: last call

Three to five days before the event, send out a final push to capture any last-minute registrants. This is your final chance to reach those who may have seen your promotion but didn’t act on it. The webinar is just a few days away and this is your last chance to get those last-minute registrants.

What to do: 

Send a "last call" email. Include language that creates urgency: “Seats are filling up fast!” or “Only a few spots left.” Use social proof. Share testimonials from previous webinar attendees to show that your events are worth their time.

Take a webinar for real estate agents, for example. At this point, you could send a last-minute email titled, “Only 10 Seats Left! Don’t Miss Out on These Insider Tips for Closing More Deals.” That urgency, coupled with real-life benefits, can drive last-minute registrations.

Send a “last chance” email

Remind them that time is running out. Include urgency, like “Seats are filling up fast!

Use paid ads

Retarget your audience on social platforms with a quick CTA, such as "Register now before it's too late."

Engage influencers

If possible, get industry influencers to share your event with their audience.

On the day of the webinar: keep them engaged

People forget things, even when they’re registered. A simple, day-of reminder email can ensure they show up. 

What to do:

Send a day-of reminder

Include the login details and a short overview of the event. 

Social Media posts

Share a final reminder on all channels to ensure maximum visibility.

After the webinar: follow-up

Don’t let the end of the webinar be the end of your interaction. Follow up with attendees and those who registered but didn’t attend.

What to do:

Send a thank-you email

Provide a link to the recording for those who can't make it.

Share the recording

Post it on your website and social media to reach a wider audience.

Ask for feedback

Gather insights to improve your future webinars.

Best practices for promoting your webinar: Quick summary 

Promoting your webinar effectively is key to driving registrations and ensuring a successful event. Here are some best practices to help you make the most of your efforts:

  • Announce early: 4-6 weeks in advance

Give your audience plenty of time to save the date by announcing your webinar 4-6 weeks ahead. This helps build anticipation and gives you time to engage potential attendees.

  • Create urgency: Increase promotion 1-2 weeks before

Intensify your promotional efforts as the event draws closer. Highlight limited spots and emphasize the valuable insights attendees will gain to create a sense of urgency.

  • Use multiple channels

Promote your webinar across various platforms, including email, social media, and paid ads. A multi-channel approach ensures you reach a wider audience effectively.

  • Encourage speakers to promote

Ask your speakers and panelists to promote the event through their own networks. This broadens your reach and adds credibility, attracting more attendees.

  • Track and analyze data

Monitor registration and attendance data throughout your promotional campaign. Use this information to assess which tactics are working best and adjust future strategies accordingly.

How LiveWebinar can help? 

We know that proper promotion is crucial for a webinar to attract the largest audience and achieve high engagement during the event. That’s why it’s important to choose a webinar platform that simplifies promotion. One of the best platforms available is LiveWebinar. It's intuitive, user-friendly, and offers advanced features that help market webinars effectively.

With its Event Calendar Subscription feature, attendees are automatically informed about upcoming events through their calendar applications. This handy feature increases the chances that participants will remember and attend your event.

LiveWebinar also offers customizable registration forms and landing pages, which you can easily edit and share with your audience. Why juggle multiple tools when you can have all these functions in one platform? LiveWebinar saves you time on preparation and helps you reach the widest possible audience. Choose it, and you'll notice the difference!

Conclusion: Plan your webinar promotion smartly

Promoting a webinar isn't just about getting people to sign up – it's about keeping them excited and engaged every step of the way. By starting early and maintaining steady communication, you’re more likely to boost attendance and generate valuable leads.

Looking to streamline your webinar process? Sign up for an account on LiveWebinar, choose your plan, and take advantage of our easy-to-use Registration Form Builder and Calendar Subscription tools to ensure your audience stays informed and engaged.



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