FAQ -> Account Information -> Activating Add-ons During an Active Session

Activating Add-ons During an Active Session

If you purchase add-ons while your session is active, it's important to know that room-based add-ons require you to re-login to your room for the activation of the purchased changes. This applies to add-ons such as:

- Broadcast to Social Media,
- Language Interpretation,
- Live Streaming,
- Breakout Rooms,
- Recording Editor.

After purchasing, the presenter/host will see a notification window in the room indicating this requirement.

Please be aware that upon re-logging into the room, all previously opened tabs will be closed, and you will enter a "fresh" room.

For other add-ons that are not room-based, such as Concurrent Sessions, Friendly URL, Recording Hours, Storage Size, Mail Templates, and Better Recording Quality, simply refreshing the page in the panel is sufficient for activation.