FAQ -> Forms -> How do I create a form?

How do I create a form?

How do I create a registration form?

  1. Go to the ‘Registration’ tab in the left-side panel of the dashboard and choose ‘Forms’.
  2. To create a new form, click on the green ‘Create form’
  3. If you have created other forms before, this is also where you can access, edit, or duplicate them.

livewebinar registration forms

You will see the list of ready-made templates. Choose the one you like. For inspiration, go to our post with examples of registration forms generated with this tool. 

Choose your template by clicking on it. Give your form a name. 

How to edit my form? 

Once you’ve chosen your template, the editor will open. Here you have several options to choose from. 

  1. The upper navigation bar – You’ll find options to choose from: Design, Options, and Marketing automation. We will describe them in detail later on in this manual.
  2. Draggable elements – In the right sidebar, you’ll find a list of draggable elements. While creating your form, you’ll just need to pull and drag them into the editor window. It is advisable to first add all the desired elements to your form and only then proceed to the Appearance tab, where you can design the appearance of your form, giving it the colors of your choice and editing other visual elements. 
  1. Appearance tab – Click on it to start editing the appearance of your form. Please note that this option is available in the Premium plan. If you want to use it, upgrade your plan here
  1. Save – Save your form, or save it and exit.

What elements can I add to my form? 

The first step in the process of editing your design is to add the elements that you would like your form to include. On the right sidebar, you can find a list of draggable elements. Simply drag and drop them into your form in the desired places.

You have a wide choice of draggable elements to use, divided into 2 types: 'Field elementsand 'Custom elements'. 

Here is the list of them: 

  • Text input – Here you can add one short paragraph, typically a line of text.
  • Password input
  • Checkbox
  • Radio input
  • Select
  • Textarea – Here you can add longer bits of text, also in the HTML code.  
  • Phone input
  • Email input
  • Attendee email – This is the email to which registration for the event will g
  • Attendee name
  • Attendee first name
  • Attendee last name

How do I edit a draggable element?  

Each draggable element has similar edit options to use. For instance, the element ‘Text input’ element lets you enter any text you wish.  

There are several element options to set:

  1. Placeholder – Edit the placeholder by giving it a title. This is the information you want your registrants to fill in while registering.
  2. Width – You can decide how wide the element will be. For example, if you want it to occupy half of the space in the line, set the option to 50%.
  3. Apply – Apply the chosen settings.

How to add an image to your form?

  1. Image – Find the option 'Image' in the right sidebar.
  2. Image placeholder – Drag and drop the element to the place where you want it to be in the form.
  3. Change file – Choose the desired image file from the storage in the tool.
  4. File from link – You can also download the image from a link by providing an HTTPS link to an external file.
  5. Width – Decide how wide the element/image should be. If you set the option to 50%, the image will occupy half of the screen horizontally.
  6. Apply – Apply changes.

How to design the form Appearance?

Once your form includes all the elements you want, you can start designing its appearance. 

Please note that this option is available in the Premium plan. If you want to use it, upgrade your plan here.

To edit the appearance, press ‘Edit', in the upper right corner of the editor.

You have three tabs to choose from:

  1. Form style
  2. Fields style
  3. Button

  1. Edit the appearance of the form

Here you can adjust:

  1. Colors: Adjust border color, text color, background color, button text color and button background color.
  2. Sizes: Adjust border radius, border width, left padding, right padding, top padding, bottom padding.
  3. Shadow: Choose horizontal, blur, vertical, spread.
  4. Other: text align, text font.
  5. Add a background image. Either download it from storage in the tool or provide a link from an external source (URL).
  6. 'Apply': Remember to click on the blue button ‘Apply’ once you’ve chosen your settings.

2. Edit the form field style  

In this section you can customize the fields in your form.  

You have several options to choose from: 

a. Colors: Adjust border color, background color and text color.  

b. Sizes: Adjust border radius, font size, top padding, bottom padding, right padding, left padding.  

c. Other: Text align. Decide whether it should be left, right or center.  

d. 'Apply: Remember to click on ‘Apply’ once you’ve finished customizing the settings. 

3. Edit the Register button  

Here you can choose the button text color and the button background color. You can also set the button text align: left, right or center.  

What are the other form options and how to use them?  

You can also customize other options apart from the appearance of the form. To do it, go to the ‘Other options’ tab in the upper dashboard.  

1. Description – Enter the description that is going to be attached to the registration form (3000 characters max.).  

2. Enable registration mode on this form – After filling out their information, the attendees will receive a unique URL that allows them to join the event.  

3. Only allow registration for people with a work email address – Attendees with email addresses from public email service providers (i.e. Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook etc) won't be able to register. Read more about this option here.  

4. Use inputs label as placeholder – Choose to display the field description in the center of the field instead of above it.  

5. Show form name – Decide whether the form name is to be displayed inside the form. 

6. Show form description – Form description displayed inside the form.  

7. Show event name – If you toggle it, the name of the event will be displayed inside the form. 

8. Show language select – Decide whether the widget for changing the form language should be displayed inside the form. 

9. Show timezone – Decide whether the widget to change time zone for meetings with specific start date should be displayed inside the form. 

You can also change the text displayed inside the registration button. 


How to attach a form to a given event?

To attach a form to a specific event, follow these steps:

1. Create an event.

2. Go to the 'Registration' tab in the upper menu panel.

3. Choose one of the following options:

- Select from the existing forms.

- Create a new form.

Follow the instructions as described in the previous sections of the manual.