FAQ -> Integrations -> How do I integrate Make.com with LiveWebinar?

How do I integrate Make.com with LiveWebinar?

Integrating Make.com with LiveWebinar via OAuth streamlines your webinar management by enabling automated workflows. Here’s a step-by-step guide to set up this integration:

Steps to Integrate Make.com with LiveWebinar Using OAuth

1. Log in to Make.com

2. In Make.com, navigate to the "Scenarios" tab. Create a new scenario by clicking on the “Create a new scenario” button.

3. Select LiveWebinar from the list of available applications.

4. When prompted, click on the “Create a connection” button to authenticate your LiveWebinar account.

5.You will be redirected to the LiveWebinar login page. Enter your credentials and authorize Make.com to access your LiveWebinar account.

5.Once authenticated, you will be redirected back to Make.com with the integration established.