FAQ -> Meetings & Webinars -> What is and how to use Calendar Subscription?

What is and how to use Calendar Subscription?

What is a Calendar Subscription?

A Calendar Subscription is a useful feature that allows participants of your webinars to stay updated with the events you organize. By sharing a link to your event calendar, your participants can easily subscribe, and their calendars will automatically update with your events.

How do I get the link for the Calendar Subscription?

To obtain the link for the Calendar Subscription, go to the main screen of your user panel and click on the calendar subscription icon. A pop-up window will appear containing the link to your calendar. Copy this link and share it with your community.

How do I add a webinar to the Calendar?

Your event will not be visible in the calendar until you add it. To include your webinar in the calendar, select the "Add to Calendar Subscription" option when creating the webinar. Only then will the event appear in the calendars of your participants. You can remove an event from the calendar by unchecking this option.

How do I add the Calendar to Google Calendar?

To subscribe to an iCalendar feed using Google Calendar:

  1. In the left column of Google Calendar, click on the down arrow next to "Other Calendars."
  2. From the menu, select "Add by URL."
  3. Enter the feed URL in the dialog box and click "Add Calendar."

How to Subscribe to an iCalendar Feed Using Apple’s iCal Program:

  1. Open the Calendar program on your device (found in the Applications folder).
  2. From the Calendar menu, select File > New Calendar Subscription.
  3. In the Calendar URL field, type or paste the calendar URL that you copied.
  4. Click Subscribe.
  5. (Optional) You can customize the calendar by changing its name, color, and auto-refresh frequency. To ensure your calendar updates more frequently, set the Auto-refresh frequency to Every day instead of Every week.
  6. Click OK.

The events should now appear in your calendar, and it will automatically update with any new events or changes.

How to Subscribe to a Calendar in Outlook:

  1. From the main screen, navigate to the menu on the left side and select the calendar icon.
  2. Click on the Add calendar option.
  3. Choose the Subscribe from web option.
  4. Paste the calendar URL into the provided field and click the Import button.