FAQ -> Pabbly Connect -> How to add other types of Webhooks?

How to add other types of Webhooks?

Other types of Webhooks include those that will apply to Events related to the change of the status of a room, sub-account or session. This includes Webhooks based on the following "triggers":

- After creating an event - choose if we want to send information about each newly created room
- After updating the room - if we want to send information about each update on the details of a given event
- After activating the event - if we want to send information about each activation of the room (which was previously deactivated)
- After deactivating the event - if we want to send information about each deactivation of the room
- After deleting an event - if we want to send information about each deletion of an event
- After adding a sub-account - if we want to send information about each newly created sub-account
- After updating the sub-account - if we want to send information about each update of the details of a given sub-account
- After activating the sub-account - if we want to send information about each activation of a given sub-account
- To deactivate a sub-account - if we want to send information about each deactivation of a given sub-account
- After deleting the sub-account - if we want to send information about each deletion of a sub-account

The question remains as to which platforms we could send information about the above-mentioned events, below we present a short summary of this issue: 

Type of Webhook  Recommended Platform/Tool

Activation / deactivation, event status update

• Calendars (Google Calendar)
• Instant messaging (Slack)
• Product Management Software (Jira, Asana, Clickup, Monday.com)

• Every time an event in LiveWebinar is updated, the event is updated in Google Calendar.

• When an event in LiveWebinar is deactivated, we can let our team know by sending a message to the selected Slack channel. 

Type of Webhook Recommended Platform/Tool
New event / deletion of event • Calendars (Google Calendar)
• Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Linked.in)
• Instant messaging (Slack)
• Product Management Software (Jira, Asana, Clickup, Monday.com) 

• Each new LiveWebinar event creates a corresponding event in Google Calendar.

• Each new LiveWebinar event causes the post to be published on social media channels.

Type of Webhook Recommended Platform/Tool
Adding / removing a subaccount, updating or activating / deactivating a subaccount)  • Messenger (Slack)
• Product Management Software (Jira, Asana, Clickup, Monday.com)

• Each addition of a sub-account creates a task in our project management platform
• Updating a sub-account updates the corresponding task in Clickup
• Deactivating a Sub-account sends a message to the entire channel on Slack