FAQ -> Recording -> Can I download or send a link to my webinar? Where can I download it?

Can I download or send a link to my webinar? Where can I download it?

Downloading or sharing your webinar is simple, and only takes a few steps. To get started, navigate to the Storage option on the menu located on the left side (Storage is 3rd option from the top), and click on the Recordings folder:


Select the recording of your choice, and an informational panel will open on the right side, where you have a SHARE and a Download option (If you click on the link under SHARE or Download, the recording will open in a new tab):

Download Recording

Right-click on the link under SHARE and Save Link As (depending on your web browser, the download option can be called different names. In Safari it's called: Download Linked File As, in Chrome and FireFox it's called: Save Link As, in Opera it's called: Save Linked Content As:

Download Recording

You can also right-click on the Download link (from the second screenshot) and follow the same procedure as the step above. You will be able to edit the name of your recording and change the destination folder before downloading. When ready click Save.