FAQ -> Streaming -> How to Stream on social media platforms with LiveWebinar?

How to Stream on social media platforms with LiveWebinar?

LiveWebinar lets you stream your events in high quality to YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo any other platform if you only provide its streaming URL and stream name or key. 

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How to set up a stream?

To first set up your video stream, open the Share Menu by clicking either the “+” icon, or “Open Share Menu”. 

Next, select “Broadcast to Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo”.

On the following screen, select the platform you’d like to broadcast your event to.

All windows have the same basic “anatomy”. Though we are using Vimeo Streaming in this example, the window will look the same for each platform, with the exception of Facebook and YouTube, which have advanced configuration available

1. URL - here you need to provide the selected platform’s streaming URL. Manual
2. Stream Name/Key - here you need to provide the platform’s Stream Name/Key.
3. Choose streamer layout – select the room layout that will be visible on the platform you stream to.
4. “Start streaming” button – click it when you fill out “URL” and “Stream Name” fields to begin your broadcast.
5. Read Manual - here you will find step by step instruction how to find the URL and streaming key.
6. “Close” button – click it to close this window.

How to stream to YouTube

From the available platforms you can stream to, select YouTube and log into your YouTube account in another tab of your browser. Click on the camera button to the right of the search bar and select “Go Live”.

You will find the YouTube streaming URL in the “Stream Settings” page, in your YouTube Live studio. Enter the stream URL and the stream key in the corresponding fields in LiveWebinar

How to stream to Facebook

Select Facebook from the available platforms to stream to and be sure to log into your Facebook account.

Navigate to your general profile and click "Live Video" in the main feed.

Click on the “Go Live” tab, and then click on “Stream Setup”. Once there, select “Use Stream Key”

Scroll down and copy the Server URL and Stream Key shown below and paste them into the matching fields inside the LiveWebinar meeting room. Then, click the “Start Streaming” button.

Return to the browser tab that has Facebook live running, and then click the "Go Live" button in the bottom-left corner. 

How to create a Facebook broadcast using a live event?

1. Log in to your Facebook account.

2. Then click on the “Live video broadcast” option from the main screen of your dashboard.

3. Select the “Create a live video streaming event” option.

livewebinar streaming do facebooka

4. Add the necessary information: a photo of the event, the name of the event, the start date and time, as well as a description of the event. After successfully completing the data - go on.

livewebinar streaming do facebooka

5. After saving the event, go to the “Settings” tab.

6. Configure the transmission preferences, such as n.e. transmission delay.

7. In the broadcast settings section, copy the “Streaming Key”.

livewebinar streaming do facebooka

8. Go to the webinar room on the LiveWebinar platform and repeat the steps described in the section “How to set up a stream?” in this article.

How to stream to Vimeo

Select Vimeo from the list of platforms to stream to, be sure that you’re logged into your Vimeo account.

Go to your Vimeo homepage and select “Live Events”.

You should see the “Connect (RTMP)” window to the right of the screen. Here you’ll find the RTMP URL and the Stream Key. Select it and copy and paste the RTMP URL and the Stream Key to the appropriate fields in LiveWebinar. Click the “Start Streaming” button and you’re good to go!