Create engaging lessons that will stay with your students long after they’re over. With the help of interactive features, LiveWebinar brings online learning to a whole new level – evaluate your students’ progress, facilitate teamwork and explain even the most complex ideas with ease.

Present educational materials
Use storage module to share content you've prepared before your online lesson. Allow participants to download these materials.
Create your virtual class
Teach new skills and gain knowledge in fully customized webinar room. Take advantage of personalized invitations and custom-branded waiting room.
Explain things with LiveWebinar whiteboard
Use arrows, shapes and drawing tools to present your ideas to participants. Enrich your lessons with drawings to make your lessons more interesting and understandable.

Drawing tools
Use stamps, type text and underline things with highlighter. Make important content more visible. Adjust brush sizes & colors.
Brush size & color adjustment
Allow your attendees to write and draw on whiteboard. Turn on their nicknames and change cursor styles to distinguish presenters in your room.
Multiple whiteboards
Work on many whiteboards to make things more transparent and understandable. Switch beetween your drawings during the lesson.
Keep high attendance & engage students
Track engagement level of your students using Presence Manager. You can send them check-in message to make sure they are logged-in and ready for your lesson. Adjust frequency & content of reminding pop-ups.

Moodle integration
Create effective and egaging e-learning experience.
With advanced API integration LiveWebinar can integrate with Learning Management Systems such as Moodle and other online education tools for schools, universities, educators & trainers.

Custom branded waiting room
Let your students into the room and start online seminar. Waiting room can be branded with your logo and colors giving your brand stronger identity. Stand out and let others recognize your lessons!
All necessary info in one place
Everyone who came to your webinar too early enters into waiting room first. You can fill it with important information such as your bio, contact data to presenter(s) and agenda of your webinar. Adjust message displayed to participants while they wait for the lesson to start.
Customized solution?
Remember that LiveWebinar is all about customizations. If you need any additional functionality or you want to have a set of specific features, contact us for more information.
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